Naturopathy is a drugless, non-invasive, a rational, and evidence-based system of medicine, imparting treatments with natural elements. It is based on the Theory of Vitality, Theory of Toxaemia, Theory of Self-Healing capacity of the body and the Principles of healthy living.
To have a healthy life one should follow the principles of nature and should be disciplined in his daily life, while eating, sleeping, walking.
Similarly, if man violates the rule of nature, he is punished by nature and becomes sick
.The Science of Naturopathy or Nature cure is as old as nature itself. In ancient times people led a happy and long life as they lived in harmony with nature.
Religious traditions like going on a pilgrimage to holly places, observances of kalp vas, fasts, sattvic food, taking saltless food once a week, worship of Ether, Air, Sun, Water and Earth etc helped them lead a long healthy happy life, without falling prey to illnesses.
Health is normal and harmonious vibration of the elements and forces composing the human entity in physical, mental, moral and spiritual levels, which are in accordance to the constructive principles of nature.
All things of nature are beautiful since they remain in tune with nature’s laws. man is the only being who has the reedom to choose and act. It is we humans alone who break the laws of nature.
No doubt, scientific, technological and material attainments of modern man are highly commendable, so are the medical inventions.
Nevertheless, we remain most part of our life’s un-contented and suffer from quite a large number of health problems that are baffling, the sufferers and the scientists alike.
Here Naturopathy comes to our rescue. All the modern developments have moved us far far away from nature and Naturopathy is a system of restoring that lost connection between man and nature.
Naturopathy has great health promotive, disease preventive and curative as well as restorative potential.
Man is made up of PANCH MAHABHUTAS and so Is the nature. Any imbalance of these 5 elements causes disease. Naturopathy restores the balance by using these natural elements in various modalities for treatment.
These modalities are –